resinografia dett


Sole Resinografia (27) - Handmade paper - ø 53 in - 2021Sole Resinografia (27) - Handmade paper - ø 53 in - 2021Sole Resinografia (27) - Handmade paper - ø 53 in - 2021Resinography n.2 _ The White Sun - gold on handmade paper - 39,4x39,4 inResinography n.7 - White Sun - Handmade paper - 19,7x19,7 in - 2010Resinography n.9 - White Sun - Paper -
19,70x19,70 in - 2010ResinographyResinography n.4 - Handmade paper - h 39x39 in - 2011Resinography n.1 - White Sun - Paper and gold -  39,40x39,40 in - 2010Resinography n.3 - White Sun - Gold on handmade paper - 39,4x39,4 in - 2010Resinography n.25 & n.26 - Gold on handmade paper - 15,8x55,2 in - 2019ResinographyResinography n.8f - The Golden Sun - Ecoline and gold on handmade paper - 27,6x27,6 in - 2011Resinography n.9 - The Square Sun - Handmade paper - h 19,7x19,7 in - 1997Il Sole Quadrato (2011) - Handmade paper - 24x2x24 inResinography n.12a - Handmade paper - 29x29 in - 2010Resinography n.9b - The Blue Sun - Ecoline colours and gold on handmade pape r- 27,6x27,6 in - 2011Resinography n.13a - The Grating - Ecoline colours and gold on handmade paper- h 20,7x20,7 in - 2011Resinography n.13b - The Grating - Gold on handmade paper - h 21,3x19,7 in - 2015Resinography n.15b - Blue Apple - Ecoline colours and gold -on handmade paper - h 21,3x21,3 in - 2014Resinography n.15c - White Apple - Ecoline colours and gold on handmade paper - h 21,3x16,9 in - 2014Resinography n.16b Pear - Gold on handmade paper - 22x17,3 in - 2011UOVO 18 Resinografia (1999) - Handmade paper - h 29,6 inUOVO 19 Resinografia (1999) - Handmade paper - h 24 inUOVO 20 Resinografia (2015) - Handmade paper - h 24 inResinography n.18a - The Egg - Gold on handmade paper - h 21,3x19,7 in - 2015Resinography n.19a - The Egg - Gold on handmade paper - h 21,3x19,7 in - 2015Resinography n.21c - Golden Egg - Gold on handmade paper - h 26x21 in - 2010Resinography n.21b - Blue Egg - Ecoline colours and gold on handmade paper - h 26x21 in - 2011Resinography n.19b - The Egg - Ecoline colours on handmade paper - h 20,5x16,9 in - 1999Resinography n.17a - The Door - Gold on paper - h 22 in - 2011

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